New York Mandates Employers Provide Paid Sick Leave for COVID Vaccinations

A New York State Law signed by Governor Cuomo on March 12, 2021 and effective immediately requires employers to provide four hour paid leave to all employees receiving the COVID vaccine.

Four Hour Paid Leave Per COVID Vaccination. All New York employers are required to provide paid time off for “a sufficient period of time, not to exceed four hours per vaccine injection.” If employees are required to get subsequent booster vaccinations, they will likely be entitled to an additional four hours for any such booster.

COVID Vaccination Leave Must be in Addition to Other Provided or Required Leave. Employers may not require employees to use any sick or other leave which they already have (such as any they have accrued under company policy or other entitled to under New York Law).

Pay Rate and Retaliation. Employers are required to pay employees at their regular pay rate for any such COVID paid leave. The law also prohibits employers from discriminating or retaliating against employees taking leave to receive the vaccine.